
After a company goes public through an IPO (Initial Public Offering), it faces a unique set of challenges that arise from the transition to being a publicly traded entity. Here are some of the post-IPO challenges that companies commonly encounter:

Managing Investor Expectations


Once a company goes public, it becomes accountable to a wider base of investors. Shareholders, analysts, and the general market will have expectations regarding the company’s financial performance, growth prospects, and strategic direction.

Maintaining clear and transparent communication with investors is crucial to managing expectations and avoiding potential conflicts.

Maintaining Growth and Profitability

Going public often puts the spotlight on a company’s ability to deliver consistent growth and profitability. Shareholders and analysts closely monitor key financial metrics and expect companies to demonstrate a strong track record of revenue growth, margin expansion, and effective cost management.

Maintaining a growth trajectory and meeting or exceeding market expectations can be challenging, especially in highly competitive industries.

Meeting Ongoing Regulatory Obligations

Publicly traded companies are subject to various regulatory requirements and reporting obligations. This includes regular financial reporting, disclosures, and compliance with accounting standards, as well as adhering to regulations imposed by securities regulators such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States. Failing to meet these obligations can result in legal and reputational risks.

Managing Investor Relations


After going public, companies need to establish and maintain effective investor relations (IR) practices. This involves actively engaging with shareholders, addressing investor inquiries, organizing investor conferences, and providing regular updates on the company’s performance, strategy, and financial outlook.

Building positive relationships with investors and analysts can help maintain market confidence and support.

Navigating Market Volatility

Public companies are subject to market volatility, influenced by various factors such as economic conditions, industry trends, and investor sentiment. Share prices can fluctuate significantly in response to market events, impacting a company’s valuation and market capitalization.

Managing the effects of market volatility requires adaptability, proactive communication, and a focus on long-term value creation.

Managing Increased Scrutiny

Going public brings increased scrutiny from the media, regulatory bodies, and the public. Any missteps or controversies can have immediate and lasting reputational consequences. Companies need to be vigilant in maintaining ethical practices, effective corporate governance, and responsible business conduct to protect their brand and reputation.

Balancing Long-Term Strategy with Short-Term Expectations


Public companies often face the challenge of balancing long-term strategic decisions with short-term market demands. Investors may have different investment horizons and expectations, and short-term performance pressure can sometimes hinder long-term value creation. Companies need to effectively communicate their strategic vision while demonstrating progress on near-term goals.

Investor perspectives play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Both institutional and retail investors have distinct perspectives and considerations when evaluating IPO opportunities. Here, we explore their perspectives, investment strategies, risk assessment, and the potential impact of IPOs on the broader market:

Institutional Investors

Institutional investors, such as mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds, typically have significant financial resources and expertise in analysing investment opportunities. Their perspectives on IPOs include:

Investment Strategies

Institutional investors often adopt a more research-intensive approach to IPO investing. They conduct thorough due diligence, analysing financial statements, industry trends, competitive positioning, and growth prospects before making investment decisions. They may also participate in pre-IPO funding rounds or engage in discussions with underwriters to gain early access to shares.

Risk Assessment

Institutional investors focus on both company-specific risks and broader market risks. They evaluate factors such as the company’s competitive landscape, management team, growth potential, valuation, and the overall market conditions. They also consider the potential impact of regulatory changes, economic trends, and geopolitical factors on the company’s prospects.

Impact on the Broader Market

Institutional investors’ participation in IPOs can have a broader market impact. Large institutional buying or selling can influence the supply and demand dynamics, affecting share prices and market sentiment. Additionally, the success or failure of high-profile IPOs can set benchmarks for other companies considering going public.

Retail Investors

Retail investors, individual investors who participate in the stock market, bring their own perspectives and considerations when evaluating IPO opportunities. Their perspectives include:

Investment Strategies

Retail investors may have varied investment strategies when it comes to IPOs. Some may be attracted to high-growth companies with disruptive business models, while others may focus on established companies with a track record of profitability. Some retail investors also participate in IPOs for the potential short-term gains associated with initial price pops.

Risk Assessment

Retail investors often face challenges in conducting extensive due diligence compared to institutional investors. They may rely on information from financial news sources, brokerage firms, or research platforms to evaluate IPO opportunities. Assessing risks involves considering factors such as the company’s financial health, industry dynamics, competitive landscape, and the credibility of the management team.

Impact on the Broader Market

While the impact of individual retail investors on the broader market may be relatively smaller compared to institutional investors, their collective participation in IPOs can contribute to market liquidity and trading volumes. Retail investors’ enthusiasm or scepticism toward an IPO can shape market sentiment and impact stock price volatility.

It’s worth noting that individual perspectives and investment strategies can vary greatly within both institutional and retail investor categories. Additionally, the popularity and accessibility of IPO investments have been influenced by developments such as online brokerage platforms and the emergence of direct listings and SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies).



Overall, investor perspectives, strategies, risk assessments, and actions regarding IPOs contribute to the overall market dynamics, shaping the reception, pricing, and performance of newly listed companies.

Successfully navigating these challenges requires a combination of effective leadership, strategic planning, strong financial management, and open communication. Companies must continuously adapt to changing market conditions, investor expectations, and regulatory landscapes to thrive in the post-IPO environment.

FD Capital are a leading UK CFO Recruiter specialising in listed company recruitment.