Our computers are often filled with our favorite stuff and much other personal information. We don’t care about what files are important and what is unimportant; we just tend to store them on our computer.
But when the drives get full with an abundance of files, we need to remove some unnecessary files and folders which we never use. We have to reorganize the folders so that we can store more data.
Many of us, if not all, like to utilize the shortcut key “Shift + Delete” for removing unnecessary information. The advantage of using this shortcut key is you get to remove the unused file very rapidly and conveniently.
However, there are some times when we accidentally delete a necessary file instead of an unnecessary file, and we surely regret using that shortcut key. Because that shortcut key will not enable you to keep a backup of your deleted file in the Recycle Bin, you directly remove the data from the system.
Is It Possible to Get Back the Deleted Files? 
As mentioned above, using the shortcut key will directly erase the data from your computer. No such way will help you to get it back from the recycle bin by yourself. You may think that the Undo shortcut “Ctrl + Z” would work in such a situation, but sorry. There is no option, then what are you to do now? Well, honestly, there are ways, and we are going to demonstrate them in this article.
When you use the shortcut key, it erases the data forever. You can’t even find it in the recycle bin. So, what’s the way that can save you from this monstrous situation? Right, there is away. Regardless of whether the data is located, there are solutions that will enable you to undelete the files that you unfortunately removed.
Part 1: How to Recoup the Accidentally Erased Data on My Very Own Operating System
Luckily, more than one way will enable you to recoup the data if it was genuinely saved on your operating system’s hard drive.
Solution 1 – Backup and Restore 
Backup and restore feature is something that we have already heard about. This element permits you to keep a reinforcement of your information and let you reestablish once you lose it.
You should keep a backup of your significant records, which might be critical to you. We should figure out how one can get back their information by utilizing this element.
- Go to Control Panel
- Select “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)” and “Restore my files.”
- Follow the instructions of the wizard steps.
Solution 2 – Making Use of Previous Versions 
The operating system always keeps the record of the data that were previously saved in it. On the off chance you accidentally erase your data on operating systems like 7/8/10, you should make use of the “restore previous version option” from the folder menu.
There are a few times when you may not discover anything in the rundown of past forms. It suggests that this technique would not be a compelling one for you. There is a framework reestablish point on a Windows PC that decides the past adaptations and permits the PC to reestablish the data to the past state.
Solution 3 – Using a Data Recovery Tool
Data recovery tools on the internet allow you to retrieve your data back quickly. This software comes with an instruction manual that instructs you how you should go through the operation step by step. There are premium tools and free tools, as well. It is better to go with the premium tools because they are safer than the free ones.
Part 2: Recovering from External Hard Drive
External hard drives play a significant role when we have to move out data from here and there. There are times when we accidentally delete files from our external storage media as well; we have to get the files back immediately.
Good news if you remove the files by only using the “delete” button because the data may still be available in the recycle bin of your computer. However, sometimes we delete them by using the shortcut key, and at that time, you have the following options.
Solution 1 – Restore and Backup
Smart people always keep a backup of their data so that they can retrieve back their important files whenever they need them. So, keeping a backup of your data will save you from loads of hassles you have to come across when you don’t keep one.
Also, when you build up a backup connection to your drive from your PC, it also helps you to immediately restore the files from the drive on your PC.
Solution 2 – Reaching Out to A Data Recovery Service
This is a basic factor when you can’t recuperate your erased document yourself. There are times when you gravely need the information back, they may be worth a million bucks to you, and you can’t lose them like this. The past advances don’t work for you; you are at a misfortune.
In such a circumstance, an expert data recuperation administration may be your only companion. They know the game more than anyone. They have the mastery in this field, and they know precisely the stuff to recoup your information back.
Subsequently, it would be a perfect choice for you on the off chance that you employ a data recovery company.
Using these methods will hopefully help you out when you fall victim to data loss. To err is human. Mistakes can be made, but there are ways to recover these mistakes.
Recovering data can be daunting at times, and it is better to hand over the task to a data recovery service in such a situation. However, follow the ways that are mentioned above, and surely you will be able to get back your deleted files quickly.