
Linkedin is one of the biggest social platforms which is most popular among professional persons. Linkedin is a platform where you can grow your network by connecting with other professionals, sharing your work-related thoughts, and learning many professional courses and other things.

It is like Facebook or Instagram, but for your career. Whether you are an employee or an owner of a business or a college student, Linkedin is for everyone. Linkedin can also be used to grow your business. Currently, there are more than 722 million users on the platform, most of which are business owners or runners.

One of the best ways to expand your business is by using Linkedin automation tools. Automation tools, like Dripify, generate automated leads and connections and send out follow requests to like-minded people and businesses. This helps the users to grow and expand their businesses to a great extent.

If you own or run a business and want to know various ways to expand the same via Linkedin, then you have come to the right place. The list given below contains major ways how Linkedin automation tools can help you improve your business.

Firstly, are automation tools legal?


Linkedin is a platform that is mostly used by professionals and business personnel. To make its user interface simple and free from unwanted spamming, Linkedin has a clear list of all the prohibited software and third-party websites. This makes the use of automation difficult for the spammers and all the other related grey activities.

However, if you strictly use these automation tools for the sole purpose of increasing your business, then you should not have any trouble at all. However, if caught using these bots for unwanted spamming, then you would be charged heavily along with a lifetime ban from the platform.

How can these tools be helpful?

These tools work on different software and programs, with the common goal of increasing your business. A few major steps in this process have been explained underneath to help you understand these better.

Creation of leads


This is the step where you make an ad for your company or place an order for the same. This leads to the generation of a potential lead, which is sent out and posted on Linkedin for the various users to see and respond accordingly.

Sending out invites

The software finds a list of suitable and potential buyers and investors and sends the lead created to them specifically. This grabs their attention and lets them know about your company and products. If interested, they would contact you.

Analyze the response


These automation tools analyze and filter out the best and original responses for you to go through. Additionally, it removes the spam and fake response and prompts the notifications to block such users and bots.

Manage teams

If you have a team of workers working with you, then this automation software also helps you maintain a ledger, and helps you keep all the records of the same. This provides a twin benefit to the users and helps them save time and money.

Manage the responses


This software allows the users to download the data of the responses, such as their official email addresses and the other chat history. This comes in handy if you misplace them, or would want to contact the responders yourself.

Why should users consider Linkedin automation tools?

  • It saves time as the user does not have to send connection requests manually one by one.
  • It brings personalization to mass outreach. This way they bring personalization to mass outreach. This way, your user interactions, and outreach messages will appear far more natural no matter how many people you’re contacting.
  • They automatically generate reports for your outreach campaigns. Meaning, you’ll be able to see at a glance how many of your leads responded, replied, and converted.
  • A/B testing becomes easier since you’ll be able to experiment with different outreach requests and follow-up templates to see which ones get the most replies.
  • They integrate with other lead generation and marketing tools. By combining your LinkedIn automation tool with other marketing tools like Zapier and Lemlist, you can bring a truly omnichannel approach to your LinkedIn marketing.

A few famous Automation Tools for your consideration


Expandi Automation Tools

It is one of the best and safest automation tools which is available in the market, it is also very convenient to use. It is the type of tool which can easily run twenty-four-seven. Expandi is a tool that helps the user to generate new leads after filtering the records according to the user reference target audience.

Expandi allows the user to choose their target audience, it can also create multiple ad campaigns, This tool also manages personalized automated messages on behalf of a user business. It also provides better insight and understanding to your active campaigns.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator


Linkedin sales navigator is one of the services which is provided by LinkedIn itself, the user needs to purchase this service to avail of the benefits of this tool.

One of the features of this tool is InMail, which means it allows you to send a direct message to the LinkedIn user who is not connected to you. It also provides you with customized suggestions according to your target audience. It provides you with all the details of the users who have visited your account and helps you to know your target audience

Phantom buster

Phantom buster is a type of automation tool which can perform all the activities or actions on your behalf. It is efficient, fast, and can work 24/7 from the cloud. It also helps the user to extract required data from the web. Users can use this data for their business CRM, database, social networks, and much more.


The automation tools have changed the way Linkedin was used dramatically and has become the need of the hour.

These tools not only help you grow your business, but also help you save a lot of time finding various contacts and leads, along with potential buyers and clients for your business, and thereby, save a lot of your precious time.

Users are advised to check the quality and reputation of the service providers in the market before making any investment or commitment to a particular brand.